Wednesday 5 March 2025
We are a group of faculty and students at UC Merced who work with children and families. We are interested in understanding how children learn and grow and how we can support the healthy development of children and families. We do research studies with children of all ages, from infancy through late adolescence and early adulthood. We have many different studies going on at any given time, exploring a variety of topics like how children learn language, the development of social and emotional skills, how children learn to control their behavior and pay attention, and the role of family and culture in children's development. Some of our studies involve visits to the UC Merced campus, while others take place online or in families' homes. We always try to make our studies interesting and engaging for the parents and children who participate. You can learn more about who we are, our current projects, and sign up to be contacted about studies that you and your family can participate in.